Optica APC 2023 Best Student Paper

Our lab member, Jinhyeong Yoon, a Ph.D. candidate, received the “Best Student Paper Award” at the 2023 Optica APC International Conference

The research conducted by Jinhyeong Yoon, titled “Lens-Assisted Two-Dimensional Receiver Based on Grating Array for Wide Angle Detection,” with co-authors Jay-Yong Kim, Hyeonho Yoon, Junhyeong Kim, Prof. Hyo-Hoon Park, and Prof. Hamza Kurt, introduces a groundbreaking new structure on a silicon chip for coherent detection in optical receivers. This innovation enhances the reception angle and efficiency, making it highly valuable in the fields of optical communication and LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology. The remarkable contribution of this research was recognized at the APC conference with the Best Student Paper Award. Congratulations and gratitude to Professors, awardee, and the co-authors for their remarkable achievement in this research endeavor.